Active Directory Migration from Windows Server 2008R2 to Windows Server 2016
While proceeding on the Windows Server 2016, an error message was shown,
“The specified domain is still using the File Replication Service …”
Run dfsrmig command on the Windows Server 2008R2 Domain Contoller.
C:\>dfsrmig /SetGlobalState1
C:\>dfsrmig /GetGlobalState
* wait for ready or completed
C:\>dfsrmig /GetMigrationState
* wait for ready or completed
C:\>dfsrmig /SetGlobalState 2
C:\>dfsrmig /GetGlobalState
* wait for ready or completed
C:\>dfsrmig /GetMigrationState
* wait for ready or completed
C:\>dfsrmig /SetGlobalState 3
C:\>dfsrmig /GetGlobalState
* wait for ready or completed
C:\>dfsrmig /GetMigrationState
* wait for ready or completed