Windows Server 2016 でIPv4を優先させる

投稿者: | 2020年4月30日

netsh>int ipv6
netsh interface ipv6>show prefixpolicies

Precedence Label Prefix
———- —– ——————————–
50 0 ::1/128
40 1 ::/0
35 4 ::ffff:0:0/96
30 2 2002::/16
5 5 2001::/32
3 13 fc00::/7
1 11 fec0::/10
1 12 3ffe::/16
1 3 ::/96

netsh interface ipv6>set prefixpolicy ::ffff:0:0/96 50 0
netsh interface ipv6>set prefixpolicy ::1/128 40 1
netsh interface ipv6>set prefixpolicy ::/0 30 2
netsh interface ipv6>set prefixpolicy 2002::/16 20 3
netsh interface ipv6>set prefixpolicy ::/96 10 4

netsh interface ipv6>show prefixpolicies

Precedence Label Prefix
———- —– ——————————–
50 0 ::ffff:0:0/96
40 1 ::1/128
30 2 ::/0
20 3 2002::/16
10 4 ::/96
5 5 2001::/32
3 13 fc00::/7
1 12 3ffe::/16
1 11 fec0::/10


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